"The Ambiguously Gay Domain"

 to you, pleb.

Relax; it's just a website. A very gay, very furry one.



Hey! Leotrost here; Leo for short. So you found our website! Welcome, and I guess congrats on finding our little corner of the web. 

A bit about me - I'm kinda awkward, shy and reserved but once I get to know you I can be pretty social. Just be patient with me as I work through my anxiety. >.< I'm an IT fur; I love to toy around with tech. Also love me some anime, sci fi, d&d, and video games. I love to cook - people tell me I'm decent at it. I'm always open to meeting cool furs and making friends :3 


Grim Oni


Hewwo there! Just your run of the mill Oni. Don’t let the name fool you because I am anything but grim. 

Passionate music, sci-fi, and snuggle enthusiast. I love to bake, eat and smoke some meat! I can often be found mindlessly humming or singing everything from classic jazz to modern musicals. 


Matty Cat


Hi hi y'all! My name is Matt, and I am a cat. I'm not the best at writing bios - even though I majored in English - so please forgive me if my bio isn't up to snuff. I love to read and I write occasionally, though I've never published anything. I also love playing videos games, as well as D&D/Pathfinder; also, I am a dice goblin when it comes to tabletop RPGs hahaha. 

Some other tidbits about me: I love lasagna, and angel food cake is my favorite dessert; my favorite color is blue; and I have a great sense of humor if I must say so myself. That's not nearly everything, but it's what I could come up with at the time of writing my bio haha. Hope y'all have a good day!

About us

We are a fiercely devoted, poly-open couple, bound not by rules, but by an oceanic love that extends far beyond societal norms. Our hearts overflow with affection for those dear to us, and we firmly believe that such love should never be confined or stifled. Our foundation is built on the bedrock of unwavering trust and unfiltered honesty, culminating in an unbreakable bond that allows us to explore the depths of our desires together.

We are unapologetically passionate and sex-positive souls, rejoicing in the celebration of physical connection. However, we are not creatures of lukewarm encounters or empty pleasures: no, we are demisexual, cherishing the sacred art of cultivating a deep, genuine friendship before letting the fires of desire fully ignite. This is what sets our souls ablaze – the intoxicating symphony of trust, emotions, and genuine connection.

Yet do not mistake our liberation for a sense of disloyalty or an insatiable hunger for multiple partners - we are polygamous, yes, but within this polyamory there is a boundary in which very select few have passed. Those once friends, come lovers, come life partners, have proven devotion to we, the core, and through which we have made an inseparable bond of love. Our partners strengthen our bond not just within the circle, but between us, the core life partners.

Together we stand, unified in our devotion, driven by a relentless thirst for love and liberation. Our hearts beat in synchrony, choosing to traverse this exhilarating journey hand-in-hand, exploring the uncharted territories of both emotional and physical intimacy. Our love knows no bounds, and we passionately embrace every facet of our extraordinary union, cherishing every friend, every partner, every moment of passion, and every fragment of trust that melds our souls into an irreplaceable tapestry of affection.

One and one and one make three

but three is not to be with thee,

I'd like to paint a picture to see

of one and one and one to three.

Two and one might just be two

if one cannot abide this glue.

You say this is too much for you.

Cast not aside the other two.

One from three leaves two without one

but better one from three for none.

Too little time beneath the sun

to save my love for only one. 

"Numbers" J.R. Deardorff

How it started

The year was 2020 in the midst of midsummer, and the world was held captive by the suffocating grip of the pandemic. The mere mention of it sent shivers down everyone's spine. Isolation consumed us, trapping us within the confines of our own solitude. Yet, amidst the chaos, there existed a realm untouched by the anguish of reality: a haven known as VRChat, where souls sought solace, weaving together a tapestry of unadulterated bliss.

Immersed in this virtual utopia, replete with vibrant hues and breathtaking vistas, their paths entwined. Leo, a lost soul craving connection, and Grim, a wanderer of the digital realm, were destined to converge upon this bustling cityscape. Little did they know their meeting would defy all expectations, unveiling a fated encounter that defied the very laws of serendipity.

In the midst of this ethereal rendezvous, a majestic fusion of beings emerged like a mosaic of desire and pleasure. Grim's master, an enigmatic presence commanding loyalty and submission, accompanied by another pet, engaged in an act of fervent... "intimacy." A meeting birthed from the most unconventional circumstances, sparking a tempestuous flame in their hearts, whispering secrets of desires and forbidden attraction.

Their journey began in the most audacious of ways - through a sinful exchange of erotic imagery, a beautifully provocative dance between lust and longing. Oh, the audacity! Yet this audacity served as the catalyst, igniting the spark that ignited their passion. So unconventional, so dramatic, so gloriously roguish.

As their connection deepened, their souls danced harmoniously, exploring the realms of role play and embarking on epic gaming quests that surpassed the boundaries of imagination. The symphony of their emotions grew louder with each passing moment - a crescendo echoing through the chambers of their souls. Every night was a feast for the senses as they snuggled, indulging in virtual spectacles that ignited a never-ending carousel of warmth and tenderness.

In a whirlwind of ardor, Grim, driven by an insatiable impulse, embarked on a pilgrimage across the vast expanse of the USA. Driven by an indomitable force he journeyed, his heart aflame, only to be met with an ill-fated accident that left his dear car crippled in its wake. But amidst the wreckage lay a revelation; a truth unveiled in the chaos. In a weekend drenched in warmth and vulnerability, their souls colliding, their irrefutable love for one another was corroborated.

Their lives entwined, they embraced the challenges that lay before them with unwavering determination. Casting aside the familiar, they forged a new path, hand in hand, sacrificing and surrendering all to the tempestuous winds of love. Together, they sold a home, echoing with hallowed memories, before departing hand in hand towards a future unknown.

They found themselves in an uncharted land where their hearts yearned for the embrace of a local community. Then, along came Matt - a breath of fresh air that swept them off their feet, igniting a flame within their souls that burned with an intensity they had never before experienced. In a whirlwind of passion and desire, they welcomed Matt into their loving embrace, embarking on a journey of love and exploration unlike any other. The three of them, united in a bond that defied societal norms, danced through life with an electrifying energy that left them breathless and exhilarated.

With Matt by their side, Leo and Grim felt the very essence of their love amplified tenfold, filling their hearts to the brim with a profound sense of joy and fulfillment. Together, they spun a tapestry of affection, trust, and shared dreams that painted their lives in vibrant hues of happiness and contentment. Their newfound harmony brought a warmth that enveloped them in a cocoon of bliss, each moment spent together a precious celebration of the extraordinary love they shared. And as they basked in the glow of their shared love, Leo, Grim, and Matt knew that they had found their home in each other - forever bound by a love that would withstand the tests of time.

Today, on the resplendent shores of the east coast, they find themselves nestled in a quaint home, where the palpable presence of love resides. The walls, adorned with the warmth of their affection, enclose a sanctuary shared by five frisky felines, two of  whom with only two legs, and a bewitching demon boy that sets hearts ablaze. In this tapestry of love and chaos, their passionate journey continues, an eternal odyssey through the labyrinth of life, written in the stars.

Life is full of choices, but loving you isn't one of them. I have no control over that.
